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Welcome to wise nutrition, you will find useful tips and key information on Healthy Eating, Weight Control and Sports Nutrition.

Throughout this site we explain the key Function, the true Facts of vitamins and minerals and more importantly the Foods that provide them.

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  • chest sxc.hu
    Nutrients include vitamins, minerals and trace elements, which are essential for our bodies to function to their full potential.
  • eyesxc.hu

    Sport Nutrition Aim to eat a small meal containing carbohydrate at least two hours before exercise to meet demands during exercise.

  • handsxc.hu

    Weight Control Weight gain is caused by taking in more energy than we use, so the excess energy is stored as fat and we gain weight. It sounds simple to put weight on but it never feels as simple to loose it.

  • necksxc.hu
    Healthy Eating should be based on a balanced diet to ensure that you get all the nutrients you need to give you energy, protect against some cancers and heart disease as well as have healthy skin, hair, eyes, bones, blood, nervous system and immune system.

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Wise Nutrition provides a service that will help you achieve your goals by giving you dietary advice tailored to suit your personal dietary requirements and lifestyle. Whatever your aims are, wise nutrition will identify how these aims can be met in a way that suits you and keep you on your  path to success.


Wise Nutrition offers ongoing support for a month following any package purchased online. This support and motivation will also keep you on your path to success.

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